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Updated: Jul 27, 2024

We are pleased to present to you the extraordinary story of Dalia, a Polish Sport Horse, who has come a long way from rejection to full health and happiness. Told from her own unique perspective (read: the perspective of her owner), Dalia's story is an inspiring example of how proper care and a little love can completely change a horse's life.

I am Dalia, a Polish Sport Horse (well, at least in name, because with my previous owners I wasn't even fit for riding lessons). I am 19 years old and at the age of 12, I was abandoned due to a lack of athletic abilities.

I ended up at the home stable of Klaudia and Patrycja, and that's when I started to feel alive. I received constant veterinary and physiotherapy care, regained my health, and gained a "few" kilos.

It turned out that my riding potential was not dependent on my abilities but on the degenerations I have, as well as the trauma and pain from the past.

My legs hurt a lot, and I suffered from navicular syndrome. In the spring, my respiratory problems also flared up, and in the summer, breathing was very difficult for me. After a full series of veterinary treatments and (quite painful) injections, my caretakers discovered Hempqualizer+.

They were very interested that the product contained cannabinoids, which are in the paste. These calm inflammations, have a relaxing effect, and relieve pain in animals like me, with joint and respiratory problems.

One day, they came to me with a white syringe, and I thought, "Oh no, not that nasty white worming stuff again..." but something smelled different, and I reached out with my nostrils to the tip of the white syringe... hmm - it was good, just a bit too little.

After a short time, I felt lighter, better, and calmer. I didn't know what it was, but luckily, I could have it every day!

A month went by, and walking in the field became somehow more enjoyable. Was I crazy, or was the ground nicer, or did I feel the oats growing? Did we just do 10 km, and I was breathing calmly? My joints no longer crackled, no more crunching and cracking at every step – I couldn't tell if I was breaking branches or if my legs were breaking. The discomfort in my left and right legs stopped... the cough disappeared... hmm, it felt almost luxurious!





Botanika Farm Sp.z o.o.

3 Maja 57, 55-200 Oława


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Essenz SA

​Feliksa Nowowiejskiego 59/1, 61-734 Poznań

+48 884 600 048

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