We present the story of Kasia, a 20-year-old Silesian mare, as submitted by her owner. As you will see, her numerous health problems appeared randomly over time, and her mood swings were likely due to the unapparent symptoms of ulcers and her overall poor health condition.

Horse History:
Kasia has been with us for seven years. We bought her from her second owner as a companion horse, to work only with us – two riders. From the beginning, Kasia was very assertive in cooperation with humans, and in the herd, she liked to rule and cared a lot about her personal space. She is a wonderful and intelligent mare, with combo health problems. First, we diagnosed her with asthma, then accidentally discovered ulcers, and finally – during a prolonged ligament injury – degeneration in the knee joint. This last diagnosis led us to try a product we hadn't used before – Hempqualizer+.
Symptoms/Problem Description:
We brought Kasia to us in February 2016 with white nasal discharge. As it turned out soon after, it was a consequence of IAD, and eventually, since 2022, we have been talking about asthma. During exacerbations, there is a choking cough, followed by white and thick nasal discharge. The respiratory rate also increases, from 12 to even 20-24 per minute. Besides typical symptoms, Kasia also becomes sad and withdraws in the herd. In 2022, such a low mood prompted us to do a gastroscopy along with a control endoscopy. The result was shocking – huge bleeding tumors at the pylorus. Biopsy showed necrotic changes and numerous inflammations – ulcers. We started treatment, and when half a year later, in May 2023, we thought we were on the right track, Kasia started limping terribly. Initially, pus in the right hind hoof was suspected. When after a week no pus appeared, and further X-rays showed no changes, an ultrasound of the femorotibial joint was suggested. Initially, we talked about changes in the medial collateral ligament and the medial meniscus tear. When treatment didn't help, we repeated the ultrasound, which revealed degenerative changes. The prolonged forced arrest affected the exacerbation of ulcers.
Previous Treatment and Its Effects/Previous Methods of Dealing with the Problem:
In terms of Kasia's asthma, we tried to delay the use of steroids at all costs, so in addition to caring for the horse's well-being and regular exercise, we used many immune-boosting preparations, cough syrups, and various herbal mixtures. We also decided on bioresonance. So far, whenever a cough appeared, we administered NAC to facilitate the expulsion of accumulated mucus and implemented additional movement. During the injury, Kasia unfortunately had limited movement, so we used the maximum dose of NAC and watched if the secretion did not start to accumulate.
In treating ulcers, Kasia underwent three rounds of pharmacotherapy. Initially, we used a month of treatment with misoprostol and, additionally, probiotics, herbs, oils. The effect was very good, the tumors stopped bleeding and even shrank, so we maintained the therapy for another two months. This approach, however, did not bring the expected result – bleeding appeared in several places. Therefore, we first changed the preparation to ulgastrol, and then to easier-to-administer pronutrin. At this time, unfortunately, due to the injury, Kasia had to stay in a small paddock instead of going to the meadows with the herd. Which unfortunately additionally negatively affected her well-being. The control after the forced imprisonment showed that the ulcers not only did not disappear but also appeared in the glandless part. A combo therapy of omeprazole plus ulgastrol was recommended for another 8 to 10 weeks. Additionally, herbs, oils, hyaluronic acid, resveratrol. Unfortunately, the therapy led to further exacerbation of changes and new erosions. Fortunately, Kasia could return to the herd, the pasture season ended, so we decided to end the pharmacotherapy and returned to pronutrin. We implemented oil with hyaluronic acid, resveratrol, and herbs chosen by Kasia, as well as probiotics. We did not repeat the gastroscopy, but observations indicated that Kasia's condition was not worsening – she was not tense in the abdominal area or withdrawn in the herd. Although the mood was low.
The knee injury, on the other hand, first involved therapy consisting of 10 sessions of laser irradiation, and after the second ultrasound, 4 doses of cartrophen and doctor time. From the beginning, we also implemented calm walks, on a straight line. We also used the services of a physiotherapist to relax the whole body. In total, lameness accompanied us for 7 months.
Effects of Hempqualizer+ Supplementation:
Administering 2 ml of Hempqualizer+ for 15 days led to a significant improvement in movement. Practically overnight. After the treatment, we can even talk about regular trotting, which in Kasia's case only occurred during regular training sessions under saddle in the summer. There was also an absence of coughing and a respiratory rate of 12 breaths per minute without using NAC. Kasia's demeanor has significantly improved; she is more friendly and less irritated. Kasia did not show typical symptoms of ulcers. Only now, analyzing her behavior, we can conclude that her irritability and anger, which we attributed to her character, could have been symptoms of long-term pain. Therefore, the change in her disposition is a clear indication of an improvement in the condition of her stomach. Currently, we have decided to continue the treatment for another month at 1 ml per day. We are also planning to perform a gastroscopy to assess the condition of the ulcers.
