Favorita is the second horse owned by one of our clients, who already has extensive experience with the effectiveness of Hempqualizer+ on her first horse, Salvador. Two case studies about Salvador are available on our blog. How, in Magdalena's opinion, did the product perform in the case of a young horse belonging to a highly spirited and sensitive breed? Read on to find out.

HISTORY:At the end of August this year, Favorita was purchased from the stud where she was born and raised. She had never left this place or been separated from the horses she grew up with. Her purchase was somewhat rushed due to matching transport schedules, leaving no time to order Hempqualizer for the journey itself. As expected, the young mare, who had never been loaded into a trailer or transported before, struggled significantly during this process. The first days in her new home were also quite stressful. Fortunately, Essenz offers lightning-fast deliveries, and Hempqualizer+ reached us quickly. Favorita received the product for several days after its arrival, which greatly facilitated her acclimatization to her new environment.
EFFECTS OF HEMPQUALIZER+ USE:While taking Hempqualizer+, she was noticeably calmer, more relaxed, and stable. Currently, we use Hempqualizer+ as needed, such as during farrier visits, saddle fitting, or before our first outings into the field together. Working with a young horse, especially one of such an emotionally sensitive breed, is always a challenge requiring careful planning, consistency, and minimizing risks – and Hempqualizer+ has been a fantastic help in this process. The product significantly supports her adaptation to the new stable, herd, and our initial groundwork and saddle work. Highly recommended!