Toledo, a 15-year-old Małopolski horse, has faced many challenges throughout his life. From a broken metacarpal bone in his youth to unsuitable living conditions, his journey has not been easy. Now, under good care, Toledo is not only regaining comfort but also showing the significant impact of thoughtful care and appropriate support. Learn his story and the results of using Hempqualizer+.

Toledo has been with me since he was 10 years old. He’s a horse with a tough past. As a young horse, he suffered a fractured metacarpal bone in his left foreleg and ended up in a place where he didn’t have the best life. Previously used in show jumping, he is now a proud “grounded bird” who requires special care. 😊
Toledo struggles with joint stiffness and minor wrist issues. He is calm by nature, but he can get easily stressed and is highly sensitive to stimuli. We also suspect he has some sleep disturbances. We work regularly on his diaphragm and nervous system. In the past, I used supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and some herbs to support his joints.
After starting Hempqualizer+, I noticed visible improvements within just a few days. On the first day, he seemed noticeably calmer, more present, and “in the moment.” He was still himself—not lethargic—but he no longer reacted obsessively to things that used to catch his attention.
In the following days, while working from the ground, I noticed he was more willing to relax. There was also a visible improvement in his condition—reduced stiffness, more willingness to move forward, and an overall better mood. I can confidently say that this product has worked wonders for him, and we’ll definitely continue using it regularly.
The improvement in his movement was also noticeable under saddle. He was more cooperative and focused on tasks.
As part of his routine, I give him 1ml daily, and if I know he’s facing a stressful situation—like transportation or a dental visit—I increase the dose accordingly.