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Cold pressed hemp oil VS skin lesions in horses

Aleksander Midor

Today we bring you the observations of the owner of Manny, who you already know (History of the suprascapular muscle), on the impact of the presence of cold-pressed hemp oil in Manny's diet. We encourage you to read them!

Gelding, 15 years old, skin lesions, commonly known as linden. In our case, they do not take a serious form as in other horses, but you can see that they itch and irritate the horse. It is probably an allergic reaction to the bites of blackflies or mosquitoes. The first symptoms appeared in July. They are scabs consisting of pus and blood, after cleaning we have a heavily reddened, oozing wound. In our case, they appear mainly on the legs. Treatment is very strenuous, based mainly on cleaning the wound, disinfection and protection with hydrocolloid gel or preparation for linden.

Below is a photo of one of the wounds before incorporating hemp oil into daily supplementation.

This year in mid-July I included hemp oil in my diet at 30ml per day. I was mainly hoping for a slightly calming effect and to take care of my horse's digestive tract. However, the hemp oil also worked great for our skin lesions. The oil was administered for a month, then we took a break.

We returned to the oil again in September and administered it until October.

Our observations were mainly the absence of skin lesions during the period of hemp oil administration. Just after a week when the oil was discontinued, the skin lesions began to reappear. Moreover, it is currently October, the oil was weaned at the beginning of the month, and new scabs appeared on the legs and head. Apart from the hemp oil, not much has changed in the diet, hence the certainty about the relationship of the hemp oil's effect on the allergic lesions.

Below is a photo of one of the wounds after incorporating hemp oil into daily supplementation.

Conclusions: hemp oil probably boosted the body's immunity enough to deal with insect allergies, in addition, it accelerated the healing of wounds that had developed earlier.

For our part, we can only add that hemp seed oil is a source of the unique fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 that behaves like omega-3. GLA has been shown to move and compete with more inflammatory fatty acids in cell membranes. In particular, GLA is beneficial for skin health and digestive health, and can help balance hormonal fluctuations in mares.

If you are looking for top-quality, eco-certified hemp oil then please visit our store or partner stores: shop.





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